"Digital skills, especially about cybersecurity, are essential for any citizen. One cannot start early enough to learn these skills. Therefore, I am extremely happy that we as EIT Digital substantially contribute through this Teach the Teachers programme that will reach around 3000 teachers across Europe in order to prepare them for bringing this knowledge to their pupils."

Willem JonkerCEO EIT Digital

"Wir lernen, indem wir erleben. Mit Roberta bringen wir Kinder und Jugendliche dazu, Spaß an Themen wie Mathematik und Programmierung zu entwickeln. Bei »Cybersecurity4Schools« kommt uns diese Erfahrung zugute: Unsere praktischen Unterrichtsinhalte fördern den intuitiven Umgang mit den Gefahren des Internets – und unterstützen Schüler*innen dabei, wichtige digitale Kompetenzen nachhaltig zu bilden."

Andrea Herold – Projektleiterin Fraunhofer IAIS

The Project

"Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity" is a joint project of EIT Digital and Fraunhofer IAIS. With this educational programme, the cooperation partners pursue the goal of making pupils in Europe fit for cyber security. Therefore, teachers are trained free of charge according to the "teach-the-teacher" principle. The further training is carried out in several steps and, as long as contact restrictions exist, takes place purely virtually.

Im Rahmen des Angebots werden mehrere Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) bereitgestellt, die das notwendige Grundlagenwissen zum Thema Cybersicherheit schrittweise erklären. Mehrere Live-Trainings ergänzen die MOOCs, um die Vorteile von persönlichen Workshops mit E-Learning-Angeboten zu verknüpfen (Blended Learning). Ursprünglich als Präsenzveranstaltungen geplant, finden diese Live-Trainings aufgrund der bestehenden Kontaktbeschränkungen jedoch zunächst online statt.

Numerous teaching and learning handouts are made available to teachers free of charge. They support them in their task of making the topic comprehensible and pass it on to their pupils in a way that is understandable and appropriate to their age.

The courses will initially be offered in German and English.

Feasibility study 2019

The project "Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity" is based on an already existing cooperation between the two organisations from 2019. Within the scope of a feasibility study, a blended learning concept was developed to effectively introduce teachers and pupils to the topic of cyber security. The pilot project was tested in class and online training with teachers in Germany. Due to its success, the cooperation will now be continued, elaborated and extended to other European countries. The aim is to reach a total of 3000 teachers in Europe with "Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity".


Cybersecurity for teachers and pupils in Europe




The teach-the-teacher principle

With "Teach the Teacher Cybersecurity", pupils throughout Europe are to be made fit in matters of cybersecurity. To achieve this, however, the pupils are not trained directly. Instead, the focus is on the training of teachers and educational specialists, from primary school to upper secondary level II. Through this teach-the-teacher principle, the topic of cybersecurity is quickly anchored in the classroom and can have a long-term effect, as the teachers become multipliers.

The train-the-trainer principle

Nach dem Blended-Learning-Konzept von »Cybersecurity4Schools« sollen neben Online-Formaten zum Selbstlernen (MOOCs) Präsenz-Workshops (aktuell: Live-Trainings) die Ausbildung ergänzen. Da Expertise in Sachen Cybersicherheit rar und teuer ist und damit »Cybersecurity4Schools« europaweit ausgeweitet werden kann, werden sogenannte »Trainer*innen« für die Präsenz-Workshops ausgebildet. Die Ausbildung der Trainer*innen wird von Cybersecurity- und Didaktik-Expert*innen übernommen. Die Eignung zu*r*m Trainer*in wird im Einzelfall geprüft. Ausschlaggebend sind bereits vorhandene Vorkenntnisse in den Bereichen Cybersicherheit und/oder Didaktik.

Please note: Due to the current contact restrictions, the presence workshops will initially take place purely virtually as "live trainings".

The Project Partners

EIT Digital aims at global impact through European innovation fuelled by entrepreneurial talent and digital technology.

EIT Digital strengthens Europe’s position in the digital world by delivering breakthrough digital innovations to the market and breeding entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and improved quality of life. EIT Digital helps business and entrepreneurs to be at the frontier of digital innovation by providing them with technology, talent, and growth support.

EIT Digital is a leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organisation driving Europe’s digital transformation. Its way of working embodies the future of innovation through a pan-European ecosystem of over 200 top European corporations, SMEs, startups, universities and research institutes, where students, researchers, engineers, business developers and entrepreneurs collaborate in an open innovation setting.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS is one of the leading scientific institutes in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data in Germany and Europe.

With "Roberta® - Learning with Robots", the Fraunhofer experts* have been imparting skills since 2002 to help shape the digital world in the educational sector - from school to vocational training. More than 500,000 students*, more than 2,700 certified teachers and a programming platform for robots have accompanied Roberta on its way to becoming one of the largest MINT initiatives in Europe. With the help of a comprehensive course concept and the Open Roberta programming platform, Fraunhofer IAIS offers hundreds of thousands of people worldwide intuitive and gender-appropriate access to programming.

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